Sanggar Genjah Arum
With its colonial styled furnishings, this authentic coffee house captures the spirit of a bygone era and is a relaxing spot to enjoy light refreshments. It is located 15 kilometres from Ketapang Indah Hotel in the traditional Banyuwangi village of Osing.

Alas Purwo National Park
Home to a herd of wild deer and the endangered Javanese bull, Alas Purwo National Park is a protected environment covering 80 hectares of savannah landscape. Located on the southern tip of East Java, the park also incorporates the world-class

Ijen Crater
Elevated 2883 metres above sea level, Ijen Crater features a spectacular volcanic lake that is a vivid shade of turquoise. It is the site of a labour-intensive sulphur mine where blocks of this yellow mineral are collected by hand and carried down the mountain in baskets.

Ngagelan Beach
As a breeding site for different species of sea turtles, Ngagelan Beach has a successful conservation program in place. Newly laid eggs are collected and safeguarded against predators until they hatch. A tagging system monitors these highly endangered creatures upon release.